Tandem flight

Have you always dreamed of flying? We offer you the possibility to make this dream reality. Enjoy the freedom of flying by making a tandem flight! We guarantee you an unforgettable adventure.
Together with an experienced tandem pilot you will start from one of our beautiful starting places. You will become directions at the start location about the starting and landing procedure. After a quick run you will be in the air, where nothing will be in the way to enjoy your flight to the fullest!
The flight duration is weather dependent. With closed skies (without thermals) a flight will take around 15 minutes (this is also dependent on the height difference between start and landing ofcourse). When the weather is sunny there is a possibility to fly longer because of thermals.
Because you will fly with an experienced pilot there is no need for you to do anything during your flight. You will have the opportunity to enjoy the peace, freedom and wonderful views that the carinthian mountains have to offer!
Please do not hesitate to ask us for other wishes (longer flights, walk & fly).
Paragliding is an outdoor sport, we hope you will understand when a flight is changed or cancelled because of weather conditions.
We hope to see you soon and wish you happy flights!
Did we make you curious?
Please contact us by telephone (Gerhard Fischer, +43 664 18 17 953), send us an E-mail ( fly4two@aon.at) or use our bookingform.