Free flying

Would you like to learn more and fly in different flying locations? We are offering you that opportunity!
With guidance of an experienced pilot, you will be able to fly in different locations.
We have suitable locations for all types of weather. In Steinfeld for example you can have wonderful thermals and Obervellach is perfect voor soaring!
When you are flying in different locations, you gain experience and you learn how to judge an area. You will also improve your flying skills, if needed with radio guidance. For more experienced pilots we are also offering day trips to Italy (for example Meduno) and Slovenia (for example Lijak). Both area’s are on a 2 hour drive from Spittal.
We also organize travels on a regular bases, for example to Marocco and the Canary Islands. These trips are only available for experienced pilots. You really should enjoy a travel like this once in your life!